Aiify For WordPress.

Chatgpt, Ollama, OpenRouter AI Content Editing and Generation for WordPress

Simplify Simplify your content creation process with Aiify, the AI-powered WordPress plugin that allows you to generate new content and enhance existing text leveraging AI technologies like ChatGPT 3 & 4 and Llama models through Ollama AI, plus additional models via OpenRouter including Claude, Gemini, and PaLM 2, Mistral, Phi, Zephir, Mixtral..

Aiify For WordPress : AI-Enhanced Content Creation Plugin

Are you tired of spending hours crafting content that doesn’t convert? Do you struggle to optimize your content for both search engines and human readers? Look no further than Aiify Blocks – the revolutionary WordPress plugin that integrates AI (chatgpt & Ollama) to the block editor, allowing you to create and enhance content like never before

With Aiify, you can generate new content using the Gutenberg Block, or add AI features to existing blocks such as paragraph, heading, lists, groups, and more. This means you can easily enhance your existing content for readability and SEO, without having to start from scratch.

WordPress Plugin for customizing your content

Aiify allows you to customize your AI-generated content to fit your specific needs. Choose your desired tone, style, and word count, and watch as the plugin automatically formats your content into WordPress blocks.

And the best part? Aiify has both a free open source version and a Pro version, so you can choose the option that best fits your needs. With the Pro version, you can even add custom editions to existing content, taking your content creation to the next level.

Benefit from Ollama’s cutting-edge language models

With Aiify, seamlessly integrate Ollama’s advanced AI technology into your WordPress platform to elevate your content creation process.

Happy Users

Here’s what some of our satisfied users have to say


Common Questions

You can retrieve an OpenAI API key by signing up on the OpenAI website at

  • OpenAI offers a simple and flexible pricing model. You only pay for what you use. For more information on OpenAI’s pricing, please visit

To create new content with Aiify Blocks, simply add Aiify Block to your page, post, or any Block editor active post type. You can then use our preconfigured prompts or write your own perfect prompt, and then click the “write” button.

When selecting the Aiify Block or any Aiify Enhanced Block, you’ll see customization options in the editor’s side panel. From there, you can adjust the maximum words, tone, and style.

If you get stuck, you can ask for help in the Mail Control Plugin Forum.